Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is described as a psychiatric condition that has been noticed in people who have been through terrible life experiences such as sexual violence or life-threatening illness. In addition to that, PTSD is common in people who have survived some serious injury from an accident, childhood abuse, or witnessed traumatic situations such as serious accidents, natural disasters, war, unexpected death of someone close to them, and more.
PTSD was known as “combat fatigue” and “shell shock” during the world war. As there were a lot of people suffering from PTSD during the war period. It doesn’t mean that PTSD can only happen to those who have been to wars. People from all age groups and all nationalities can suffer from the post-traumatic disorder in their life.
Those who suffer from PTSD will have disturbing thoughts and intense feelings relating to the events they have suffered in their life. These thoughts and feelings can be very difficult to handle and can last for a very long time if not taken care of the situation properly. People with PTSD may have recurring nightmares or flashbacks about the events.

Symptoms of PTSD
Symptoms of PTSD are some of the common reactions to trauma such as fear, anger, anxiety, guilt, and depression. Some people won’t be able to stop thinking about the event after experiencing them. But in some cases, there won’t be any symptoms even after years of the traumatic event. The symptom of PTSD is generally divided into four categories:
- Intrusive memories (distressing memories, nightmares, or flashbacks)
- Avoidance (trying to avoid thinking and talking about the topics that trigger trauma or avoiding people and places that remind them about it. )
- Changes in physical and emotional reactions (trouble in sleeping, easily frightened or startled, lack of concentration, anger issues, sudden outbursts, overwhelming guilt, and shame.)
- Negative changes in thinking and mood (negative thoughts about everything, difficulty in remembering events, feeling detached from surrounding and people, difficulty in managing close relationships with people)
Physical Injuries and PTSD
Just like any other life-threatening event, surviving a serious physical injury can also trigger PTSD. Injuries can be life-changing events for most people. Some may never recover from it. A person might suffer from PTSD within 6 months after the life-changing injury.
Physical injuries such as spinal injury, acquiring a brain injury, serve burns, or being disabled due to some accidents can be a cause of someone suffering from PTSD.
How Physiotherapy Can Help PTSD
A holistic approach should be taken to deal with PTSD relating to physical injuries. With the help of various health professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, and physicians, the treatment process can be carried out in the best way possible. The involvement of all these professionals will help you with a speedy recovery.
The involvement of this multi-disciplinary team is vital because the healing process of PTSD involves both physical and mental healing. They can together help you manage the condition and stop the situation from getting worse. With the help of proper management, the pain will start reducing and mental healing would speed up.
Anxiety and stress are some of the major symptoms of PTSD which will in turn increase tension in your body. With the help of various exercises prescribed by your physiotherapist, you will be able to manage these symptoms. The following are 3 ways of physical therapy that can help you manage post-traumatic disorder:
Strength and Mobility Exercises
Recovering from a serious injury can be painful. It is due to the natural response of our body to a painful stimulus. Stress and anxiety can be this stimulus in certain cases which leads to tension in our body. Your physiological therapist will help you address this pain and help you eliminate various forms of pain from your muscles and joints.
The treatment plan for reducing tension and pain in your body may include exercises such as stability exercises, strengthening exercises, joint mobilization exercises, motion exercises, and such. These exercises are some of the commonly prescribed exercises by a physiotherapist for reducing and recovering from pain and body tension.
Breathing Exercises
Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event can adversely affect our respiratory system. Breathing can become more shallow or faster. When someone goes through a panic attract or a serious event it is suggested that they focus and concentrate on their breathing pattern.
Your physiotherapist after evaluating your conditions will suggest you some breathing exercises which will help you when you are having a traumatic episode and help you get through the situation of stress.
Exercises to Reduce Anxiety
Anxiety and stress can be effectively managed with the help of regular exercises. With the help of a well-planned exercise routine prescribed by your physiotherapist, you will be able to manage and recover from overstress and anxiety and also from other symptoms of PTSD as well.
Wrapping Up
Healing from an injury and dealing with PTSD without any professional help can be very stressful. We here at Entrust Care, provide all the physiotherapy assistance you will need to recover from your condition.
Always remember that in order to recover from PTSD you will need to give support to your body and mind. Our well-experienced physiotherapists will help and support you to regain the normal and happy life that you deserve.